
New Welfare Elect of GATI-Akpedje Essi Tomety

Ghana Association of Translators and Interpreters apkedje Essi

Ghana Assiociation of Translators  and Interpreters has announced Madam Akpedje Essi Tomety as the new Communication and Welfare officer of the Noble Institution on May 27 2023.

Mrs Seshie is a Freelance Translator and  Multilingual Communication Strategist .She speaks and works in the space of these various languages French, English, German , and currently the  Head of Languages at VESLANGUA.Where she handles several translation projects for local and international clients.
Madam Essi can boast of more than half decade of experience in the language industry and has served both seniors and is grooming younger ones and this elevation in the prestigious organization which represents Translators and Interpreters in Ghana is a confirmation of her hard work and dedication.

new welfare elect of GATIGLOKAFUI.COM
new welfare elect of GATI

Madam Akpedje is a graduate  of  the University of Ghana (Ghana School of languages)studied Leadership and Management at the Luxury Academy London , was a freelance interpreter at ECOWAS Commission for the emplementation of ISPS CODE in Benin and Togo. She has also served at the SOCIETY FOR AIDS 

She is graced with interpersonal skills, interpreting and customer service and loves to write and also a singer. You can contact her on 050 120 6803
for more information visit  [email protected]

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